Course Content
Lesson 1: Mentally Prepared
This lesson is all about being mentally prepared more than any other thing in a business. We will discuss what you should sow in your mind and mental toughness.
Lesson 2: Bulls Eye Principle
This lesson is all about the importance of knowing what you really want when starting a business.
Lesson 3: Michael Jordan Principle
This lesson is all about the importance of knowing what your passion is and what you really love to do in doing business.
Lesson 4: Never Do it Only For Money
In this lesson, Mr. Chinkee Tan will talk about why you should not do business merely for money.
Lesson 5: Diversification
This course is all about the strategy of diversification you can apply in your own business.
Lesson 6: Never Kill the Goose
This lesson is all about the Never Kill the Goose principle, what is it all about, and how you can apply it.
Lesson 7: 3 Stages of Money
This lesson is all about learning how to create money, handle it, and grow it.
Lesson 8: Delayed Gratification
This lesson is all about the skill of delayed gratification and its importance to a successful business.
Lesson 9: Spare Tire Principle
This lesson is all about expecting the best but preparing for the worst in your business.
Lesson 10: Hire Slow, Fire Fast
This lesson is all about the strategies in hiring people for your team.
Lesson 11: People First, Profit Last
This lesson is all about how to treat your customers, employees, suppliers, and partners right.
Lesson 12: Never Allow Emotions to Run Your Business
This lesson is all about how to run your business with objectivity vs emotions.
Lesson 13: Value Reputation
This lesson is all about what is reputation and its importance to a person doing business.
Lesson 14: Risk Takers
In this lesson, Mr. Chinkee Tan will tackle all about being a risk taker but at the same time taking the right measures in reducing the risks.
Lesson 15: Start Young
In this lesson, Mr. Chinkee Tan will discuss why it is better to start business at a young age.
Lesson 16: Wooden Chair Principle
This lesson is all about the 4 skills in a Wooden Chair Principle.
Lesson 17: Adaptability
This lesson is all about adaptability and how to practice it.
Lesson 18: Innovation
This lesson is all about the importance of innovation and how to practice it on your own business.
Lesson 19: Extraordinary Discipline
This lesson is all about having a discipline that goes beyond the usual to a successful business.
Lesson 20: Ren Nai
This lesson is all about how to endure in times of suffering without complaining.
Lesson 21: Leadership
This lesson is all about the effective characteristics of being a leader.